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DivorceHotel code of conduct for mediators

DivorceHotel Mediators shall be bound by the regulations referred to below:

Article 1
A DivorceHotel Mediator shall at all times behave in a manner so as not to violate the trust in DivorceHotel.

Article 2
A DivorceHotel Mediator shall comply with the laws and regulations of the country where within the Mediator operates.

Article 3
A DivorceHotel Mediator must be registered with a professional organization in his home country. In the event that this professional organization applies a code of conduct, the mediator shall comply with this code of conduct.

Article 4
A DivorceHotel Mediator shall comply with the 10 basic principles of DivorceHotel.

Article 5
Before the start of mediation, a DivorceHotel Mediator shall conclude a written mediation agreement, specifying all the arrangements made (including a fixed price agreement). This mediation agreement shall always state at which professional organization the mediator is registered and also whether a code of conduct applies to him. These, and any other rules of conduct shall at all times be included with the mediation agreement as an attachment.

DivorceHotel Mediators use the DivorceHotel concept, but they operate fully independently and entirely at their own expense and risk. DivorceHotel, A2 Legal BV and DivorceHotel International BV accept no liability whatsoever for the activities of DivorceHotel Mediators. The aforementioned regulations in the code of conduct therefore serve as an obligation from the DivorceHotel Mediators to their clients. In the event that these regulations are not complied with, or not complied with sufficiently, the clients may directly confront the DivorceHotel Mediator with this. A complaint may also be filed with DivorceHotel, however this will only result in the DivorceHotel Membership of the Mediator being revoked.

10 principles DivorceHotel