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    Last week DivorceHotel’s CEO Jim Halfens was interviewed for BBC World News. First Jim had a radio interview about all new DivorceHotel developments like the fast expansion of DivorceHotel in several new countries in the world. After the radio show Jim was on the BBC World News TV Show – Talk Business with news ancher and BBC presenter Aaron Heslehurst.

    Last week CEO Jim Halfens was guest in Australia’s no.1 morning TV show on Seven: Sunrise. In the interview Halfens explains why DivorceHotel is interested to start Australia. Short after this interview Disney’s website Babble interviewed Halfens because Babble was excited about the positivity of DivorceHotel and the way how we facilitate amicable divorces. The DailyMail in The UK posted this extensive article. After these interview DivorceHotel was going viral again over the world with very interesting articles from Forbes in Mexico or this article published by BetterHomes and this article of Antena3 in Spain.

    Recently the American TV show Inside Edition asked DivorceHotel to film an independent piece on a real divorce procedure in one of our hotels. Inside Edition wanted to witness if it is possible to split up over 48 hours in a positive way. DivorceHotel’s guests Stevie & Blake wanted to show the world that it is possible to split up in a positive way. That is the exact reason they agreed on filming their divorce procedure. DivorceHotel’s mediator Michele Martin coached and guided Stevie & Blake during the 48 hour divorce procedure and the question is…. Did they succeed? You can see it when clicking on the clip of Inside Edition…and yes of course their divorce was successful as almost all DivorceHotel divorce procedures. later that week DivorceHotel was all over the news in multiple countries, look here, here and here

    Recently Evelyn Lewin of the The Sydney Morning Herald interviewed two DivorceHotel clients Jan and Paul about their divorce experience. Jan tells The SMH about how DivorceHotel made all their divorce arrangements over the course of a 48-hours hotel stay. In the interview DivorceHotel’s Global Director David Leckie announced that DivorceHotel is in a far stadium to start in Australia. The article shows again how DivorceHotels makes it possible to split up in a positive way over a weekend. DivorceHotel strongly believes that a divorce should be a positive new start in peoples lives.

    Last Sunday DivorceHotel’s Global Director David Leckie was interviewed for BBC’s Sunday Morning Live, the program that gets to the heart of the big stories of the week. This episode DivorceHotel. David explains why DivorceHotel is the number one solutions for couples who want to split up in an amicable way.


    Today the German magazine BILD released an interview with CEO Jim Halfens about DivorceHotel. DivorceHotel ‘s ex clients Kathrine and Jonathan explain why they chose for DivorceHotel and how they were able to split up in a positive way over a weekend in The US. Click here to read the article. Shortly after, STERN published this article. In the meanwhile DivorceHotel’s global Director David Leckie did an interview with Renee Piane in Los Angeles and in The UK with VARDAGS.

    Last week ITV’s ‘Tonight’ followed our DivorceHotel guests Janet and Paul during their amicable DivorceHotel procedure in The United Kingdom. DivorceHotel’s Global Director David Leckie was personally involved as mediator/ therapist together with attorney Clare Thornton-Eckford. With the help of Clare & David’s professional and intensive guidance Janet and Paul proved once again that it is possible to split up in an amicable way over a weekend. Some backgrounds of Tonight with also a video about DivorceHotel can be found here.

    The start of DivorceHotel in The UK last year was big news in the newspapers and on TV (Good Morning Britain). DivorceHotel is successful already in several countries and the global press stays excited about the revolutionary divorce solution. This week it was DivorceDay in The UK on Monday and CEO Jim Halfens did interviews with BBC News and BBC Radio.

    Onlangs interviewde de York Press in Engeland DivorceHotel’s Country Manager David Leckie over het eerste Britse DivorceHotel. Vervolgens schreef The London Economic een uitgebreid artikel waarna ook The Sun en Express een interview met David publiceerde. Na het interview ging het nieuws rondom DivorceHotel (UK) opnieuw viral. Onder andere in Australië schreef en Nine over DivorceHotel. Daarnaast was DivorceHotel weer in het nieuws in Zwitserland en in Zuid-Afrika schreef de Sunday Times over DivorceHotel.  In de artikelen legt David uit waarom DivorceHotel de ultieme oplossing is voor stellen die op een positieve manier willen scheiden.  Ook was David te horen op het radio station BBC Leeds (zie onder). CEO Jim Halfens deed onlangs een uitgebreid interview in Griekenland met de Griekse Star.

    Onlangs werd CEO Jim Halfens geïnterviewd door Janneke Willemse van 7 Ditches TV. In het interview legt Jim uit waarom hij destijds is gestart met DivorceHotel en hoe het precies werkt wanneer je gaat scheiden in een DivorceHotel. Verder vertelt Jim over de verschillende DivorceHotels in Amerika, The UK en in Nederland. Ook wordt er gesproken over de DivorceHotel TV serie die inmiddels al in verschillende landen is uitgezonden.